Katharine swapped a career in magazine publishing for a country lifestyle when she moved back to Dorset ten years ago. Although some people thought she was mad, it has all worked out perfectly. In just a few years she’s rekindled old friendships, made great new mates and rediscovered a new and vibrant Dorset.
Better still, upon joining an amateur operatics group in her village, Katharine subsequently married the leading man (a vet) when, as luck would have it, her cat was run over! Now based in the bustling market town of Sherborne with her husband and lovely little boy, Katharine’s realised her dream of setting up her own lifestyle and portrait photography business and finally feels like she’s doing what she should have been doing all along!
I admire people with a shining talent – artists, musicians, artisans, people who feel what they do ‘in their bones’ and have the confidence and conviction to pull it off. Also, Caitlin Moran – she makes me laugh out loud. Anyone who’s a bit of a maverick. And my dad for sharing a relentless enthusiasm for life, and for being a great grandpa.
In no particular order, a little ceramic bird that sits on my kitchen shelf of ‘favourites’ and reminds me of my family home, my cello and old accordion which I love having but don’t play at all anymore, my camera without which I’d be lost, a box of old family black and white photographs taken by my grandfather who was a talented photographer, a silver make-do wedding band which was my grandmothers, a painting by a friend which was a wedding gift, a pair of vintage chrome and grey leather chairs which we bought quite recently, and although I dare to admit it, the odd pair of shoes.
It’s all about the simple things and dictated by the seasons. Generally we can’t resist a bit of a lie-in followed by boiled eggs or pancakes in our pyjamas. Saturday mornings are for mooching, and we’ll be found browsing shops and market stalls, picking up some lovely fresh bits and pieces and probably a bit of bric-a-brac.
We usually get out for some fresh air and explore new places or most likely, take a trip to our beautiful coast for beach-combing, crab sandwiches and a cup of tea. If I get the chance, I’m still a bit of a party-girl on Saturday nights, but Sundays are firmly for family, friends and sharing good food. I love a house full of people, something hearty on the table, and later, after a rowdy family meal, the little ones pile up on the sofa together and we enjoy one last glass of wine.
Simple pleasures and bright ideas. I really couldn’t ask for much more than a family trip to the seaside. I love fish and chips on the beach, a bit of fresh air and sunshine and seeing all the fun the boys have rock-pooling, crabbing or picking up shells. That, and a few sparky friends to keep life interesting.
I found the two things I love most relatively recently – motherhood and photography. I want to be really good at both and that means making sure I have lots of adventures with our little boy and that I push myself creatively. I want to do lots more surfing just because I love holidays in Cornwall. And I’d love us to find a house with a bit more space and create a studio at home for work and exhibitions. Oh, and I’d still love a pair of Jimmy Choos.